Crimson Rivers Volume III

Crimson Rivers Volume III zeppazariel

Resenhas - Crimson Rivers Volume III

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Vic Tanzi 11/01/2024

"War is cruel. It's cancerous. The end of the world is always tied to war, isn't it? Maybe this is why; because war is so much more than just war. It goes beyond bullets and blood and bodies. War comes in like a flood, like a disease, and it claims anyone who comes in contact with it. Even the living can't get free from it; they're as claimed as the dead are. Once war touches them, they're branded to their last breath. In this world, most people have been branded for a lot longer than they stepped on their first battlefield. What they don't know yet, and what they will learn, is that it's not the first battlefield that ruins you. It's the last."

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