Scandalous Desires

Scandalous Desires Elizabeth Hoyt

Resenhas - Scandalous Desires

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milaxcrane 02/07/2024

How to describe this perfection???
- There are many shocking deaths (I will never forgive Fio's death)
- A traitor I loved at first
- Mick's Trial
- The vicar attacking Silence
- Revelation of the Ghost of St. Giles (so far I'm in shock with his identity).

It completely deviates from the "perfect" reality that other period series portray in London.
- There is corruption;
- Illegal activities;
- Lords who have titles do not 'work', but the other brothers are obliged to fulfill their duties with the army, clergy, navy.
- The disaster that the activities of the nobles in the 'periphery' cause among the poor.

It may even exist, but I have never seen another author deal with this subject in this way. This is the third series I've read by Elizabeth, and for me she always surpasses herself, you can feel the pain of the characters, you can feel the pain that the place carries.

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