spoiler visualizardeboraedsl 19/01/2024
"life is one-way, and there is no return trip. what are you waiting for?"
A erika, por muitas vezes, me decepcionou. os horsemen a machucaram de incontáveis maneiras mas isso não pareceu afetá-la. entretanto, no decorrer do livro (principalmente no final), consegui ver uma evolução. quando a erika mais precisava ser salva, ela mesma foi sua heroína. a cena da sauna é uma das minhas preferidas, e não digo isso apenas pelo hot excelente, mas pela carga emocional que essa cena contém (kai, você é meu protegido ♡). no mais, o livro possui algums frases bem legais e foi muito legal ver que o michael começou a ser quente é por conta da erika e não o contrário. "she corrupted me".
algumas das minhas frases preferidas:
"own who you are."
"she thought she was nothing to me, insignificant and invisible. she wanted me to open my eyes and see her again so fucking badly, but she didn't realize that I already did."
"I'm hungry, rika [...] I want everything they tell me I can't have, and I see that hunger in you, too."
"when you want to make an impression and you think you've gone far enough, go a little further. always leave them wondering if you're just a little bit crazy, and people will never f*ck with you again."
"you're one of us now."
"you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. ever. redefine normal. none of us know the full measure of our power until we start pushing our boundaries and pressing our luck, and the more we do, the less we care what other think. the freedom feels too good."
"fear wasn't the enemy. it was the teacher."
"you know why most people in the world are unhappy, rika? because they don't have the courage to do the one thing that will change their lives."