
Paladin Sally Slater

Resenhas - Paladin

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Day 10/08/2022

Gostei <3
Eu realmente daria 5 estrelas ao livro, ele é muito envolvente, divertido e me fez querer ler sem parar como um vício, era um livro de destaque em termos de qualidade no Wattpad, porém em seu final me deparo com uma surpresa que não foi do meu agrado, fazendo com que todo o deleite que tive ao iniciar as aventuras da Sam não serem condizentes com o desenrolar das tramas. Amei o livro do início ao meio, o final não era o que esperava, mas recomendo a leitura.

Sara Melo 13/01/2016

In the middle of this book I wanted to favorite it. The story is good, funny, entertaining. Keeps you reading all the way til the end. In fact when that came to be, I actually SAID "Is this the freaking end?!" Yes, even though it is not compulsory, the ending does leave open for a sequel. But it works just fine as a standalone as well, so don't even mind that until you finish reading it.
The thing that made me give this book 4 stars instead of 5, is that in my humble opinion the author left too much of the romance to be said at the end of the book, which made me love the middle of it more than any other part of it. Also, even though I liked Sam's strong personality, sometimes she was just so dumb, saying things that made me want to physically hurt her. :P Ok, maybe that's too much, but she is not wise. That I can say.
All in all I still gave this book 4,5 stars, so I definitely recommend the reading! (: Enjoy!

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