The Egyptian Myths

The Egyptian Myths Garry J. Shaw

Resenhas - The Egyptian Myths

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Rubens Caló 11/05/2020

A fascinating civilization
In order to grow as human and start to make the difference into your own society, it's mandatory for every human being getting to know about other myths, beliefs, religions and other gods instead of just yours. Having empathy to understand this huge variance of points of view, gives you the opportunity to achieve this aim.

The Egyptian Myths taught me about this and it was awesome to understand their beliefs and for me the most interesting topic is how their strong faith on the "after life" is fascinating. All the way and challenges that their gods must achive everyday to bring back the sun after a long night is something really interesting furhtermore as it was done hundreds and hundreds years ago through paintings and acient descriptions.

This book is very detailed with plenty of sources that emphasyzes and support the author. I do recommend the book for everyone who wants details about this ancient civilization and either for who want to acquire a new point of view of the beggining and the end of our journey in this and the "next" life.

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