The Troubleshooter

The Troubleshooter Anna Hackett


The Troubleshooter (Norcross Security #2)

Never, ever fall for your brother’s annoying, infuriating, gorgeous best friend.

Gia Norcross’ life is exactly how she likes it. She has a successful PR firm in San Francisco, a beautiful apartment, a loving family of overprotective brothers, and her fabulous designer shoe collection. Perfection. Sure, occasionally she has to deal with her aggravating nemesis who happens to be her brother’s best friend. Saxon Buchanan: tall, rich, handsome, bossy, and knows how to work her last nerve.

She’ll never, ever admit to anyone that most days, she isn’t sure if she wants to punch the arrogant, tattooed, suit-wearing know-it-all…or kiss him.

After a military career spent in a covert special ops team doing hard, dirty, and very classified missions, Saxon Buchanan is happy working at Norcross Security as the company’s top troubleshooter. He also enjoys the perks of civilian life. That includes sparring with smart, sexy Gia of the wide brown eyes, luscious curves, and sharp tongue. He’s spent half his life fighting the pull of his best friend’s little sister.

But seeing a man aim a gun at Gia changes everything.

When Gia’s troubled childhood best friend drags her into a really, really bad situation, soon bullets are flying, precious gemstones are missing, and Gia’s in danger. Saxon’s done pushing away the one woman he’s ever wanted. He’ll do everything to protect her, and he’s not letting anything get in his way: not the bad guys, not his best friend, and especially not Gia.

Note to readers: This is a sexy, fast-paced, enemies-to-lovers romantic suspense with a heroine in danger and the six-feet plus of tattooed, suit-wearing hotness who drives her crazy, but vows to keep her safe.

**Each book in this action-packed romance series can be read as a standalone.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Troubleshooter


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The Investigator
The Specialist
The Bodyguard
The Detective

Resenhas para The Troubleshooter (4)

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Amando essa série!!!
on 14/11/22

Nesse segundo volume da série Norcross security, temos a história de Gia Norcross, a única mulher da família. Ela é independe, inteligente, não leva desaforo pra casa e sempre teve um interesse particular em Saxon, melhor amigo de seu irmão. Saxon é inteligente, muito rico e está protegendo Gia de qualquer problema........Adorei.....Gia é leal às pessoas que ama e por isso entrará em uma confusão bem perigosa para ajudar uma amiga em perigo.......É uma leitura rápida com uma boa dose ... leia mais


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30/05/2021 14:24:33
editou em:
30/05/2021 14:24:59