A Árvore da Vida

A Árvore da Vida Louis de Wohl


A Árvore da Vida (Coleção "Os Grandes Romances do Cristianismo" #14)

The Living Wood: A Novel about Saint Helena and the Emperor Constantine

Romance Histórico. Trata-se da vida e dos feitos do César e depois Imperador Romano Constâncio Cloro, de seu grande filho Constantino, e da Impressionante figura da Imperatriz-Mãe, Santa Helena, a descobridora do Santo Lenho, a Sagrada Cruz em que morreu o Divino Salvador. . .

"The Living Wood" by Louis de Wohl '-' (...) This historical novel tells the story of the quest for the True Cross through fifty years of the most exciting events in Roman and Christian history.The narrative begins when the Tribune Constantius, a Roman officer stationed in Britain, meets and wins Helena, only daughter of the mystical and oracular King Coel of Britain. Through the course of their early lives together, and during their ten-year separation when Constantius returns to Britain as a conquering Caesar and Helena has become a rejected wife, devoted mother, and militant Christian, there is a sure and convincing portrayal of character growth and personal conflict. Helena's fierce determination to raise Constantine as a warrior son and her gradual discovery and dramatic acceptance of Christianity prepare her for the final miracle of her life discovery of the True Cross, the Living Wood on Calvary. The Living Wood is a chapter from the turbulent half-forgotten pages of early Christian history and legend in which the religious conflicts and problems are handled with moving simplicity. It is also an action-packed novel of those times--with a lesson for us today--that captures with equal skill and tumult and the shouting of the battlefield and the devious plots and counter-plots of the court'.

[About the Author]: Louis de Wohl was a German-born Catholic author, and had served as an astrologer notable for his work with MI5 during World War II. Sixteen of his popular pre-war novels were the basis of movies. His later novels are literary hagiographies of notable Roman Catholic saints and of different periods of the Bible. Mr. de Wohl was a Knight Commander of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and his wife (nee Ruth Magdalene Lorch, whom he married in 1953) is a Lady Commander of the same Order. His fifty books include The Living Wood (Lippincott, 1947), Imperial Renegade (id., 1950), The Restless Flame (id., 1951), Throne of the World (id., 1949; published in England as Attila), The Golden Thread (Lippincott, 1952), The Second Conquest (id., 1954), Set All Afire (id., 1953), The Spear (id., 1955), and St. Joan, the Girl Soldier (Farrar, 1957) in the Vision Books series.

Aventura / Crônicas / Drama / Entretenimento / Ficção / História / História Geral / Literatura Estrangeira / Religião e Espiritualidade / Romance / Suspense e Mistério / Turismo e Viagens

Edições (1)

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A Árvore da Vida


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cadastrou em:
23/07/2010 20:29:09
editou em:
31/05/2020 03:35:41

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