A Love Hate Thing

A Love Hate Thing Whitney D. Grandison


A Love Hate Thing

While they’re stuck under one roof, the house may not be big enough for their hate…or their love

When Tyson Trice finds himself tossed into the affluent coastal community of Pacific Hills, he’s ready for the questions, the stares, and the total feeling of not belonging in the posh suburb. Not that he cares. After recovering from being shot and surviving the mean streets of Lindenwood, he doesn’t care about anyone or anything. He doesn’t even care how the rest of his life will play out.

In Pacific Hills, image is everything. Something that, as the resident golden girl, Nandy Smith knows all too well. She’s spent most of her life building the pristine image that it takes to fit in. After learning that her parents are taking in a former childhood friend to live with them, Nandy fears her summer plans, as well as her reputation, will go up in flames. It’s the start of summer vacation and the last thing Nandy needs is some juvenile delinquent from the ’Wood crashing into her world.

Stuck together in close quarters with months of vacation stretching ahead, Trice and Nandy are in for some long summer nights. Only, with the ever-present pull back to the Lindenwood streets, it’ll be a wonder if Trice makes it through this summer at all.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

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A Love Hate Thing


Resenhas para A Love Hate Thing (3)

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on 11/12/23

Uma pena esse livro ser tão raso e chato, tinha muito potencial. O começo é bem forte, mas até mesmo assuntos sérios e que normalmente seriam abordados mais profundamente são contados logo no começo e praticamente desprezados para dar lugar a drama adolescence bobo. Nandy é chata, mesquinha e sem graça. Gostei mais do Trice e Shane, mas não acho que só eles façam valer a leitura. Esse livro poderia muito bem ter 50% a menos de páginas que não perderia nada.... leia mais


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ranking 13
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ranking 13



cadastrou em:
29/03/2019 14:45:43
Mirella | @readingmirella
editou em:
12/09/2021 17:19:34

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