Air Demon

Air Demon Stormy Glenn


Air Demon

Elemental Demons #2

Nicholas Dane is happy that his friend, Gabe has found the love of his life, even if he can never return to the surface world. The same cannot be said for Nick. He knows who his demon mate is but Storym won't give him the time of day.

Storym knows the surface dweller, Nick, is his Demonas Amaté. But he also knows that claiming the man would place Nick's life in danger and Storym can't allow that. He has a hard enough time dealing with Nick's need to save the world. He doesn't need to bring more danger to the man.

Afraid that he won't be able to deny himself if he stays, Storym leaves without saying goodbye to Nick. His heart broken, Nick returns to the surface world to lose himself in his work as a police detective. Unfortunately, the shadow demons seem to know who he is and they start coming after him. Nick's only chance is to return to Jinnistan. But even there, his life is in danger because someone has their sights on Nick and they will let nothing interfere in their plans, not even an Air Demon bent on claiming his mate.

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Air Demon


Resenhas para Air Demon (1)

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on 2/4/13

É o segundo livro da serie Demônios Elementares, e é ótimo como o primeiro, não vou fazer uma resenha da sinopsia do livro pois faz algum tempo que li essa serie e só me lembro por sima dos fatos, não faria jus, se tenta-se faria uma sinopsia muito pobre, então deixo minha opinião da serie que é MUITO BOA RECOMENDO!*.*... leia mais


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05/10/2011 02:35:19

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