At Home

At Home Bill Bryson


At Home

A short history of private life

Starred Review. Bryson (A Short History of Everything) takes readers on a tour of his house, a rural English parsonage, and finds it crammed with 10,000 years of fascinating historical bric-a-brac. Each room becomes a starting point for a free-ranging discussion of rarely noticed but foundational aspects of social life. A visit to the kitchen prompts disquisitions on food adulteration and gluttony; a peek into the bedroom reveals nutty sex nostrums and the horrors of premodern surgery; in the study we find rats and locusts; a stop in the scullery illuminates the put-upon lives of servants. Bryson follows his inquisitiveness wherever it goes, from Darwinian evolution to the invention of the lawnmower, while savoring eccentric characters and untoward events (like Queen Elizabeth I's pilfering of a subject's silverware). There are many guilty pleasures, from Bryson's droll prose--"What really turned the Victorians to bathing, however, was the realization that it could be gloriously punishing"--to the many tantalizing glimpses behind closed doors at aristocratic English country houses. In demonstrating how everything we take for granted, from comfortable furniture to smoke-free air, went from unimaginable luxury to humdrum routine, Bryson shows us how odd and improbable our own lives really are.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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At Home
At Home


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Toda casa é um museu.
on 7/2/23

Do que eu li: um livro difícil de descrever. Poderia resumir como um tour pela casa do autor, Bill Bryson, em Norfolk. É mais ou menos organizado por cômodos, porém o autor passeia por algumas tangentes. Ao passo que escreve ostensivamente uma história da domesticidade, Bryson não consegue resistir a uma anedota espirituosa ou a um fato obscuro; enquanto divaga na história de cada cômodo da casa, ele aborda tópicos sobre comércio, arquitetura, tecnologia e geografia, que moldaram as ca... leia mais


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