Codename Villanelle

Codename Villanelle Luke Jennings


Codename Villanelle (Killing Eve #1)

The breakneck thriller that inspired TV sensation Killing Eve, starring Sandra Oh, "unlike any other spy drama you've seen." - Daily Beast

Villanelle (a codename, of course) is one of the world's most skilled assassins. A catlike psychopath whose love for the creature comforts of her luxurious lifestyle is second only to her love of the game, she specializes in murdering the world's richest and most powerful. But when she murders an influential Russian politician, she draws a relentless foe to her tail.

Eve Polastri (not a codename) is a former MI6 operative hired by the national security services for a singular task: to find and capture or kill the assassin responsible, and those who have aided her. Eve, whose quiet and otherwise unextraordinary life belies her quick wit and keen intellect, accepts the mission.

The ensuing chase will lead them on a trail around the world, intersecting with corrupt governments and powerful criminal organizations, all leading towards a final confrontation from which neither will emerge unscathed. Codename Villanelle is a sleek, fast-paced international thriller from an exciting new voice in fiction.

Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Codename Villanelle


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Killing eve foi mesmo inspirado disso?
on 12/4/22

Antes de ler eu já tava com muito receio pq vi um monte de críticas de fãs de killing eve sobre esse livro e a triologia em si, mas, com o final da série eu precisava de alguma coisa a mais do que aquele último episódio horrível então eu decidi ler e fiquei bem surpresa. O livro não se parece NADA com a série, eu tive a sorte de ler sem nenhuma expectativa e acho que é por isso que eu gostei. A troca do ponto de vista da Villanelle pra Eve é confusa, podia muito bem ter alguma indica... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 27
ranking 26
ranking 37
ranking 33
ranking 4
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
31/12/2018 01:14:34
editou em:
31/12/2018 01:17:35

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