Come Tumbling Down

Come Tumbling Down Seanan McGuire


Come Tumbling Down (Wayward Children #5)

The fifth installment in Seanan McGuire's award-winning, bestselling Wayward Children series, Come Tumbling Down picks up the threads left dangling by Every Heart a Doorway and Down Among the Sticks and Bones

When we Jack left Eleanor West's School for Wayward Children she was carrying the body of her deliciously deranged sister―whom she had recently murdered in a fit of righteous justice―back to their home on the Moors.

But death in their adopted world isn't always as permanent as it is here, and when Jack is herself carried back into the school, it becomes clear that something has happened to her. Something terrible. Something of which only the maddest of scientists could conceive. Something only her friends are equipped to help her overcome.

Eleanor West's "No Quests" rule is about to be broken.


The Wayward Children Series
Book 1: Every Heart a Doorway
Book 2: Down Among the Sticks and Bones
Book 3: Beneath the Sugar Sky
Book 4: In an Absent Dream
Book 5: Come Tumbling Down

Aventura / Fantasia / Ficção / Infantojuvenil / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Come Tumbling Down


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Lost in the Moment and Found
Across the Green Grass Fields
Where the Drowned Girls Go
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Resenhas para Come Tumbling Down (9)

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Come Tumbling Down
on 6/5/20

Mais um livro super rapidinho de ler e divertido, mas confesso que gostei um pouco menos do que o anterior (possivelmente meu favorito da série até o momento). Achei muito bacana rever a Jack e a Jill, e retornar ao Moors, mas a o mesmo tempo achei um pouco repetitivo? Talvez só esteja acostumado a visitar novos lugares a cada livro. De modo geral o livro é muito bom, fácil e fluido de ler. A única coisa que me impediu realmente de dar 5 estrelas foi que senti que reunir a ?gangue? p... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 71
ranking 24
ranking 37
ranking 30
ranking 8
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
10/04/2019 20:02:50
Anne L.
editou em:
09/01/2020 02:47:35

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