Crystal Storm

Crystal Storm Morgan Rhodes
Mãe Manu da Oxum


Crystal Storm (Falling Kingdoms #5)

An epic clash between gods and mortals threatens to tear Mytica apart . . . and prove that not even the purest of love stands a chance against the strongest of magic.

MAGNUS and CLEO are forced to test the strength of their love when Gaius returns to Mytica claiming he's no longer the King of Blood but a changed man seeking redemption.

LUCIA, pregnant with the child of a Watcher, has escaped the clutches of the unhinged fire god. Her powers are dwindling as she goes forth to fulfill a prophecy that will keep her baby safe . . . but could mean her demise.

JONAS treks back to Mytica with a plan to overtake Amara, but fate takes hold when he runs into the beautiful Princess Lucia and joins her on her perilous journey.

AMARA has taken the Mytican throne, but with no way to unleash the water magic trapped within her stolen crystal, she'll never be able to seize glory and get sweet revenge.

And what kind of darkness will descend--and who will be safe--after Prince Ashur reveals the dangerous price he paid to cheat death?

Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Crystal Storm


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Resenhas para Crystal Storm (1)

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OMG. Que livro maravilhoso!! E q final, não acredito que vou ter q esperar 1 ano para saber o q vai acontecer. Estou gritando com o final. :O :O :O Amo todos os personagens, mas meus favoritos são Magnus e Cleo. Espero que alguns dos personagens ressuscitem no próximo, já que isso é algo comum na série. MAL POSSO ESPERAR!!! ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 57
ranking 39
ranking 37
ranking 19
ranking 4
ranking 2



Lu Oliveira
cadastrou em:
22/03/2016 17:52:31
Lu Oliveira
editou em:
20/03/2017 12:35:59

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