Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus Christopher Marlowe


Doctor Faustus

In this brilliant dramatization of the Faust story, a scholar sells his soul to the devil in exchange for limitless knowledge and powerful black magic, yet he remains unfulfilled, serving as a warning to those who would sacrifice everything sacred for mere earthly gain.

But Marlowe's play is also a symbolic analysis of the shift from the late-medieval world, which valued most the theologian's contemplation, to the early-modern world, which favored the rational analyses of statesmen and scientists. Caught between these ideals, Faustus is both a tragic fool destroyed by his own ambition and a hero at the forefront of a changing society. In "Doctor Faustus", Marlowe thoughtfully examines faith and enlightenment, nature and science - and the terrible costs of the objects of our desire.

This new edition of Marlowe's classic includes an introduction, a history of the play onstage, and an updated bibliography by the editor, Sylvan Barnet of Tufts University. Also included are generous selections from the historical source of "Doctor Faustus" and illuminating commentaries by Richard B. Sewall, G. K. Hunter, David Bevington and Eric Rasmussen, and John Russel Brown, as well as a new critical essay by Kevin Dunn.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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Doctor Faustus
Dr. Faustus
Dr. Faustus


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Doutor Fausto

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Eu só to orgulhosa do meu inglês
on 9/10/24

Vou falar a real: eu não entendi muita coisa não kkkkkkk A essência do livro eu peguei, claro Mas querendo ou não é uma peça de teatro da Inglaterra elizabetana man Não sei, mas não ressoou comigo do jeito que outras peças do mesmo período ressoam Mas tudo bem, porque é uma peça divertida e eu fiquei orgulhosa de mim mesma por entender esse inglês antigo Li pra faculdade e é só nesse contexto que eu leria mesmo hahaha... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
10/05/2011 17:14:40

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