Enterprise: The First Adventure

Enterprise: The First Adventure Vonda N. McIntyre


Enterprise: The First Adventure

Star Trek -- the untold story -- Captain Kirk's First Mission!

Stardate: 0000.5 (year 2265) -- James T. Kirk is the youngest man to be promoted to the rank of captain in Federation history. His crew consists of a first officer who finds him impetuous; a chief engineer who finds him arrogant; a chief medical officer who finds him trifling; and a helmsman who wants a transfer. But the young crew, which would later become the legendary space explorers, quickly puts aside their differences when a monstrous starship appears on their nascent flight path. |...| [Star Trek Books and Novels]: Through a licensing process similar to those granted to create collectibles, comics, and games, Paramount Pictures has granted the rights to market Star Trek stories and books of various sorts through a number of different publishers, beginning in 1967 with a series based on Star Trek: The Original Series. |...| [About the Author]: Vonda Neel McIntyre (born 28 August 1948) is the author of several Star Trek novels and novelizations. These include The Entropy Effect, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. McIntyre has also written many non-Star Trek science fiction novels and has won Nebula Awards and a Hugo Award. It was McIntyre who came up with Sulu's first name, "Hikaru" in The 'Entropy Effect', which was made canon by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ten years after the release of the novel. |...| [Memory Alpha, the Star Trek wiki -- Background Information]: The choice of date for the story's setting is taken from VOYAGER: "Q2", which sets Kirk's taking command of the Enterprise in 2265. No such mention of the official year is mentioned in the novel.
The audiobook adaptation was performed by George Takei and Leonard Nimoy, and was released on cassette and as part of the Star Trek 25th Anniversary Audio Collection CD set.
Janice Rand's age is given as sixteen. This would place the year of her birth in 2249.

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