Famous in a Small Town

Famous in a Small Town Emma Mills


Famous in a Small Town

Famous in a Small Town features teenage Sophie, who has a brilliant plan to finance her school marching band's trip to the Rose Parade by bringing her small town's only claim to fame, country singer Megan Pleasant, back to headline a fundraising festival—except Megan has publicly sworn never to return.

For Sophie, small town life has never felt small. With her four best friends—loving, infuriating, and all she could ever ask for—she can weather any storm. But when Sophie’s beloved Acadia High School marching band is selected to march in the upcoming Rose Parade, it’s her job to get them all the way to LA. Her plan? To persuade country singer Megan Pleasant, their Midwestern town’s only claim to fame, to come back to Acadia to headline a fundraising festival.

The only problem is that Megan has very publicly sworn never to return.

What ensues is a journey filled with long-kept secrets, hidden heartbreaks, and revelations that could change everything—along with a possible fifth best friend: a new guy with a magnetic smile and secrets of his own

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Sensível e realista como um livro da Emma Mills sempre é
on 15/2/21

É fato, eu sou uma grande fã dos livros da Emma Mills. Ela nunca decepciona! Acho que é a melhor autora atualmente para livros YA contemporâneos, para criar grupos de amigos realistas e interessantes, com personagens diversos e conflitos que vão desde coisas pequenas até grandes entre eles. Gosto muito de ver que suas histórias não precisam de coisas mirabolantes e enormes para serem marcantes e eu simplesmente amo o jeito que ela escreve! Deve ser melhor ainda ser americano e ler o... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 16
ranking 25
ranking 50
ranking 19
ranking 6
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cadastrou em:
16/03/2018 05:09:22
ANA - @aspaceforbooks
editou em:
20/06/2019 17:47:35

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