Hello Girls

Hello Girls Emily Henry
Brittany Cavallaro


Hello Girls

From critically acclaimed authors Brittany Cavallaro and Emily Henry comes a powerful, page-turning teen novel about two teenage girls who have had enough of the controlling men in their lives—and take their rage on the road to make a new life for themselves.

Best friends are forged by fire. For Winona Olsen and Lucille Pryce, that fire happened the night they met outside the police station—both deciding whether to turn their families in.

Winona has been starving for life in the seemingly perfect home that she shares with her seemingly perfect father, celebrity weatherman Stormy Olsen. No one knows that he locks the pantry door to control her eating and leaves bruises where no one can see them.

Lucille has been suffocating beneath the needs of her mother and her drug-dealing brother, wondering if there’s more out there for her than disappearing waitress tips and generations of barely getting by.

One harrowing night, Winona and Lucille realize they can’t wait until graduation to start their new lives. They need out. Now. All they need is three grand, fast. And really, a stolen convertible to take them from Michigan to Las Vegas can’t hurt.

A darkly funny, razor-sharp collaboration between Brittany Cavallaro and Emily Henry, Hello Girls is the unforgettable story of two girls who are filled with equal parts rage and love—and must reclaim their power if they are ever going to get away with their daring escape.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Hello Girls


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Resenhas para Hello Girls (2)

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A really crazy road trip story
on 30/10/22

Hello, Girls is a road trip book about to two best friends traveling across the USA to runaway of them super toxic families and found the supost dead mother of one of them. The sinopse is interesting, but the book isn't so good, it's a ok story, but forgettable. Sometimes, I hated the fact that the two Lucielle and Winona could be so stupid, they always believe in not trust people and have the stupiest ideas ever. Their families are toxiest people ever and I hate their parents. The... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
28/07/2018 07:51:50
editou em:
08/10/2018 16:39:38

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