Highly Illogical Behavior

Highly Illogical Behavior John Corey Whaley


Highly Illogical Behavior

Teen and adult fans of Matthew Quick, David Levithan, and Rainbow Rowell will adore this quirky story of coming-of-age, coming out, friendship, love...and agoraphobia.

Sixteen-year-old Solomon is agoraphobic. He hasn’t left the house in three years, which is fine by him.

Ambitious Lisa desperately wants to get into the second-best psychology program for college (she’s being realistic). But how can she prove she deserves a spot there?

Solomon is the answer.

Determined to “fix” Sol, Lisa thrusts herself into his life, introducing him to her charming boyfriend Clark and confiding her fears in him. Soon, all three teens are far closer than they thought they’d be, and when their facades fall down, their friendships threaten to collapse, as well.

A hilarious and heartwarming coming-of-age perfect for readers of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and All The Bright Places, Highly Illogical Behavior showcases the different ways in which we hide ourselves from the world—and the ways in which love, tragedy, and the need for connection may be the only things to bring us back into the light.

Ficção / Jovem adulto

Edições (1)

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Highly Illogical Behavior


Resenhas para Highly Illogical Behavior (2)

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"We're just floating in space trying to figure out what it means to be human"
on 23/2/17

A história gira em torno de dois adolescentes: um agorafóbico que não sai de casa ha anos, Solomon, e uma aspirante a psicóloga, Lisa. O autor, ao abordar o transtorno mental de Solomon, deixa bem claro que agorafobia é uma doença e não somente um capricho. E eu como psicóloga não sei nem por onde começar a falar sobre a importância desse tema, uma vez que escuto pessoas como a mãe da Lisa com certa frequência. "Vai passar" e "Pense positivo..." são frases que não ajudam e Highly Ill... leia mais


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15/12/2015 15:14:15

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