His Dark Paradox

His Dark Paradox Avery Tu...


His Dark Paradox

Nuri Narek is ready to resign from his position as the secretary to the most powerful man on the planet Ignite.

Having worked for Silver since he was a teenager, Nuri is more than ready to move on with his life, and put the one-sided crush he’s harbored for years to bed. Too bad it doesn’t seem like Silver is willing to accept his resignation. When Silver finds himself blackmailed he makes a deal with Nuri. They play a game and the winner takes all. It’s not the way things typically go, and is a total abuse of power, but how can Nuri argue?

Silver Rien is the Emperor of Ignite, CEO of Rien Inc., and a bona fide psychopath.

When his father gifted him Nuri Narek in high school as a means to help keep Silver in line, he was at first furious. Until the smaller man grew on him and elicited a possessiveness Silver had never experienced before. Now, years later, he may have to find a way to admit his true feelings. The only other option is to allow Nuri to leave him. Not. Happening. Orchestrating a game of Cat and Mouse seems to be the best plan to help give him more time, but what happens when Nuri discovers that not all is as it seems with Silver?

Will Nuri still insist on running, or will Silver be able to convince him some things are worth having, if only in the dark?

Edições (1)

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His Dark Paradox


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Resenhas para His Dark Paradox (2)

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"let's roll the dice?"
on 7/5/23

Inacreditavelmente muito bom. eu já esperava gostar desse livro, afinal, a sinopse promete tudo que eu gosto, mas ainda assim me surpreendi. é bom? sim, podia ser melhor? também. teve diversos momentos que eu achei que poderiam ter seguido um rumo diferente que deixaria a história ainda melhor. alerta: o principal problema aqui é a falta de comunicação entre os protagonistas então se a velha trope miscommunication é um não, esse livro é um grande não também. outra coisa que vale menci... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 19
ranking 47
ranking 26
ranking 16
ranking 5
ranking 5



cadastrou em:
07/05/2023 21:20:47
editou em:
07/05/2023 21:21:16

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