His Saint

His Saint Lucy Lennox


His Saint (Forever Wilde #5)

I don't need anyone's protection. I'm fine. But to appease my sister after a home invasion, I agree to take self-defense lessons. They just so happen to be with a big, muscled former navy SEAL who may or may not be everything I've always daydreamed about but never thought I could have.

And he's dead-set on looking out for me even when things in my life suddenly get complicated. Between the increasing threats against me and pressure from my wealthy family to be someone I'm not, I'm having a hard time keeping it together. As I begin to fall apart, I lose faith I'll ever meet anyone who'll want a mess like me--much less meeting someone strong and capable like Saint Wilde.

The more time I spend with him, however, the more I realize he's not as put together as he seems. And I begin to wonder... while Saint's busy looking after everyone else, who's looking after him?

After my big fat mouth gets me in trouble with a high-profile client, my boss takes away the bodyguard gig and sends me back to my hometown to give one of society's elites a few lessons at a local gym. Babysitting an antiques nerd is hardly my idea of a good time, but as soon the attractive, petite man walks into the workout center, I nearly trip over my own feet.

He's effing adorable.

And absolutely scared to death.

He won't tell me what's spooked him, but I won't rest until I find a way to take the fear out of his gorgeous eyes. Even if defending Augie means I have to stop protecting my own heart.

LGBT / GLS / Romance

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His Saint


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on 22/3/21

o início do romance foi muito rápido, o que me fez achar o relacionamento deles um pouco forçado, mesmo que os dois protagonistas tivessem bastante atração e tudo mais. tem algumas partes fofas mas, em geral e com o plot um pouco mais complexo do que os livros dessa autora geralmente tem, achei que faltaram páginas pro desenvolvimento e tudo pareceu muito espremido e apressado. o meu favorito dessa série ainda é felix and the prince, porém, tenho fé nos próximos.... leia mais


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18/12/2018 02:19:54

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