I, Cleopatra, a best seller when first published by Warner Books, and winning the Milestone Gold Medal from the West Coast Review of Books, is now available in a Kindle edition.
The tempestuous odyssey of the Queen of the Nile, from her growing up a princess of Egypt in the palace in Alexandria, struggling for power against her murderous and scheming brothers and sisters. She divined early on that a unique destiny would be hers. She becomes queen at 18, meets Julius Caesar at 21 and bears him his only son Caesarion. She had two great loves with the most powerful Romans of them all, Caesar and Mark Antony, great loves that shook the world. To her Roman enemies she was the Serpent of the Nile, to her people she was the reincarnation of the goddess Isis. She lived in splendor and pageantry, dominating her epoch, always a bewitching, romantic, enigmatic queen, mixing politics with passion, mother to four children and to all her people, Cleopatra became the quintessential queen of all time.
Ficção / História / Romance