I’m His First, He’s My Forever (English Edition)

I’m His First, He’s My Forever (English Edition) Romeo Alexander


I’m His First, He’s My Forever (English Edition)

Two best friends, one straight, one gay, fight their own emotional storm in the middle of a raging hurricane.

Who will win, heart or hurricane?

Ethan: Being in love with my straight best friend? Not the greatest idea. But hey, I’ve kept it a secret from him all these years. Well, until hurricane Ada decided to visit our quiet town. I’m a forest ranger, and after my recent brush with death, I wasn’t thinking, and maybe…just maybe, I made one impulsive decision that officially changed everything. We were sheltering from the storm, the wind and lightning all around us. I just wanted to know what it would feel like, and Cole was asleep…or so I thought.

Cole: I like my life and the routine of being a cop. I like living in Watercrest Bay, a few minutes from my mom and next door to my best friend of twenty years. I don’t dislike change, but when hurricane Ada hits, everything changes. As the storm rages outside, events take a very different turn. I’m forced to see Ethan in a whole new light, and a new door opens for me. He nearly died, so when he…well, did what he did, what was I supposed to do? I changed.


A best friends to lovers, bi-awakening romance with hot heroes battling the elements and their emotions. Fun family and sassy friends help our heroes find their true feelings while hurricane Ada does its best to tear them apart.

Erótico / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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I’m His First, He’s My Forever (English Edition)


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on 29/7/23

Sendo bem sincero, consegui me conectar ao livro de uma forma bem melhor do que já aconteceu com outros. Eu nem precisei ficar fazendo leitura dinâmica. Não até as últimas páginas, pelo menos. A história dos dois corre de um jeito bacana, com o Ethan babando no Cole toda vez que olha pra ele, mas sinceramente até eu fiquei assim. Homão da p@$&! Não gostei do jeito que o Cole assume as coisas e converte o amor de amigos deles. Acho que deveria ter sido explorado de uma maneira difer... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
25/07/2023 23:44:23
editou em:
25/07/2023 23:45:32

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