Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull James Rollins


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

“The name is Jones. Indiana Jones.”

He’s back. Everyone’s favorite globe-trotting, tomb-raiding, wisecracking archaeologist is finally at it again–hurtling headfirst into high adventure and relying on his wits, his fists, and his trusty bullwhip to get him out of deep trouble. But the man in the jaunty brown fedora and battered leather jacket is no ordinary digger in the dirt. From the fabled lost Ark of the Covenant to the legendary Holy Grail, he’s salvaged the world’s most amazing artifacts, while beating the baddest villains and defying the most breathtaking odds.

Now it’s 1957, the atomic age is in full swing, and McCarthy-era paranoia has the nation on edge. But for Indiana Jones, the Cold War really heats up when his latest expedition is crashed by a ruthless squad of Russian soldiers. Commanded by a sword-wielding colonel who’s as sinister as she is stunning, the menacing Reds drag an unwilling Indy along as they brazenly invade American soil, massacre U.S. soldiers, and plunder a top-secret government warehouse. Their objective: a relic even more precious–and powerful–than the mythic Ark, capable of unlocking secrets beyond human comprehension.

Fast thinking and some high-speed maneuvers help Jones turn the tables, and a one-in-a-million escape narrowly saves him from certain death. But when he’s tarred as a suspected spy and fired by his university, Indy thinks it may be time to hang up his hat.

Fate, however, has other plans. Suddenly the road to retirement takes a sharp detour when a colleague’s kidnapping leads Jones into the depths of the Amazon jungle on a desperate rescue mission. With a hot-headed teenage biker as his unlikely wing man and his vengeful new Russian nemesis waiting for a rematch, Indy’s back in the game–playing for a prize all the wonders of the world could never rival.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


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Seu nome é Jones. Indiana Jones. E está de volta.
on 22/5/13

O arqueólogo favorito está de volta com suas aventuras eletrizantes, contando com seus instintos e a força bruta, para sair das armadilhas que o destino lhe prepara. Mas ele não é um simples arqueólogo: da lendária Arca da Aliança ao lendário Santo Graal, ele tem descoberto os artefatos mais interessantes do mundo, enquanto luta contra os piores vilões e desafia os perigos mais temíveis. Estamos em 1957 (o ano em que eu nasci!), a era atômica está engatinhando. Mas para Indiana J... leia mais


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Paula Lomanto
cadastrou em:
11/02/2011 23:22:04

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