Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒

Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒 西子绪


Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒

It started off peculiarly; first, his domestic cat refused to let him cuddle it.
Lin Qiushi soon found that a sense of disharmony and incongruity began to pervade everything around him.
Then, one odd day, he pushed open a door, and he discovered that the hallway he was familiar with turned into a boundless corridor.
At both ends of this corridor were twelve, identical iron gates.
Thus, the story began.
Ruan Nanzhu said to Lin Qiushi, “When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back.”
Upon hearing this, Lin Qiushi sank into deep contemplation. He then pulled down the zipper of his trousers and aimed at the abyss…
Ruan Nanzhu: “…Put your pants on properly!”
Super shameless, ill, pampered gong X Shameless, calm shou; a combination of double [or extreme] shamelessness.

LGBT / GLS / Suspense e Mistério / Aventura / Fantasia / Ficção científica / Horror / Romance

Edições (4)

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Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒
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Kaleidoscope of Death


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Resenhas para Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒 (11)

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Só para fãs
on 15/5/22

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