
Kinfolk Pearl S. Buck



A Novel of China

Kinfolk: A Novel of China (Oriental Novels of Pearl S. Buck /1950) -- A tale of four Chinese-American siblings in New York, and their bewildering return to their roots

In Kinfolk, a sharp dissection of the expatriate experience, Pearl S. Buck unfurls the story of a Chinese family living in New York. Dr. Liang is a comfortably well-off professor of Confucian philosophy, who spreads the notion of a pure and unchanging homeland. Under his influence, his four grown children decide to move to China, despite having spent their whole lives in America. As the siblings try in various ways to adjust to a new place and culture, they learn that the definition of home is far different from what they expected.

This ebook features an illustrated biography of Pearl S. Buck including rare images from the author’s estate. |...| [Review] “Kinfolk is one of Pearl S. Buck’s strongest novels, a splendid combination of achieved satire and shrewd cultural analysis.” —Peter Conn, author of Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography. |...|
[About the Author]: Pearl S. Buck (1892–1973) was a bestselling and Nobel Prize–winning author. Her classic novel The Good Earth (1931) was awarded a Pulitzer Prize and William Dean Howells Medal. Born in Hillsboro, West Virginia, Buck was the daughter of missionaries and spent much of the first half of her life in China, where many of her books are set. In 1934, civil unrest in China forced Buck back to the United States. Throughout her life she worked in support of civil and women’s rights, and established Welcome House, the first international, interracial adoption agency. In addition to her highly acclaimed novels, Buck wrote two memoirs and biographies of both of her parents. For her body of work, Buck received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938, the first American woman to have done so. She died in Vermont.

Aventura / Drama / Ficção / História / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

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18/06/2014 16:51:46

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