Leaves of Grass

Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman


Leaves of Grass

Leaves of Grass, featuring beloved poems such as “Oh Captain! My Captain!” and “Song of Myself,” was met with both scathing criticism and glowing praise when it was originally published in 1855. Arguably the best historical commentator of the nineteenth century, Walt Whitman continues to inspire readers today.

The most inclusive writer one might ever come across, Whitman wrote of laborers, mechanics, soldiers, mothers, carpenters, and prostitutes; this inclusivity stirred up controversy and earned bans, but also gained the attention of other literary greats like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.

At a time when conversations concerning politics, race, class, and sexuality are at an all time high, Leaves of Grass which addresses the experience of multitudes, will resonate with readers today perhaps even more profoundly than in Whitman’s own time.

Born in 1819, Walt Whitman became one of America’s best-known poets before his death in 1892. Often called the “father of free verse,” Whitman spent much of his life revising and augmenting his “special and entire self-chosen poetic utterance,” Leaves of Grass.

Literatura Estrangeira / Poemas, poesias

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Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass


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More than we know
on 15/5/22

As a millenial that recently has liked up with the latest Kendrick Lamar's album "Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers", Whitman's poems feel exactly like a deep symbolic Kendrick Lamar song. I know I'm getting the timeline wrongly here because there are hundreds of years separating Lamar and Whitman apart, but what I'm trying to say is that hip hop is not that far from what we consider classic literature as these modern poets like Kendrick himself and Nas (that I've mentioned before in anoth... leia mais


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Pedro S.
cadastrou em:
15/02/2021 08:37:18
Pedro S.
editou em:
15/02/2021 08:37:32

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