Self Discipline Mindset

Self Discipline Mindset Curtis Leone


Self Discipline Mindset

Why Self Discipline Is Lacking In Most And How To Unleash It Now

This book has actionable information that will help you to supercharge your self-discipline to achieve great feats in life.

We all set many goals in life and hope that we will achieve them. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have the discipline to follow what it takes to transform these goals to reality. We somehow lose our passion and drive to do what needs to be done after setting goals. Think about it; every year, we all set New Year’s resolutions with the hope that by the end of the calendar year, we would have changed different aspects of our lives. We start off overly excited that by the end of the year, our life would be completely different. However, that doesn’t happen for many of us because we lose our focus and passion for whatever it is that we want to achieve.

As you well know, you cannot go far in life if you cannot implement everything needed to transform your goals into reality. You cannot chase your dreams and actualize your goals if you are not determined, strong willed, and have the power to control emotions, desires, and feelings that derail your goals and their achievement. To achieve success, you must boss your thoughts and emotions as well as exercise perseverance and endurance, which are extremely important self-discipline ingredients.

Cultivating these character traits may sound challenging right now, but by the time you reach the last page of this book, self-discipline will come easy to you; you will find no difficulty in exercising self-discipline, and going after everything you desire.

This book is the ultimate self-discipline master guide: it aims to teach you how to develop the self-discipline you require to pursue your goals, while avoiding distractions that tend to derail your goal pursuit. Make the best use of this wonderful opportunity and learn how to unlock your self-discipline right now.

Autoajuda / Psicologia

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Self Discipline Mindset


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on 13/1/24

Não sou muito familiarizada com o gênero da auto-ajuda, mas por algum motivo esse livro em específico me chamou a atenção e eu resolvi dar uma chance. Uma leitura bem rápida e estimulante. Pretendo colocar várias das dicas em prática. ?imagine engaging in all the steps necessary to achieve your goal instead of solely envisioning the result.?... leia mais


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