Door of Bruises

Door of Bruises Sierra Simone


Door of Bruises (Thornchapel #4)

Twelve years ago, our fates were sealed with a kiss.

We are all, for better or worse, doomed to love each other until death do us part. My heart belongs to Proserpina and St. Sebastian—even if he no longer wants it. Even if she has left it behind to follow him.
Delphine’s fled back home, and Becket’s holy calling is in peril.
And now only Rebecca and I remain at Thornchapel to face the unknown.
The door is open. The door that shouldn’t exist; the door that people have died to close. I don’t feel like the lord of the manor. I don’t feel like a king or a wild god. I am a friend and a boyfriend and a brother—and a failure at being all of these things. But the door doesn’t care about my guilt. It only cares about the sacrifice I’ll make to close it.
As the bruising dark of Samhain approaches, so does the fate of our circle, of Thornchapel and the village and the valley beyond it. And I must don the crown, because one thing is still true, even if I must face it alone.
Here at Thornchapel, the kings must go to the door.
Here at Thornchapel, all kings must die.

Erótico / Fantasia / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Door of Bruises


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A Lesson in Thorns

Resenhas para Door of Bruises (4)

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on 12/11/21

Posso dizer, com certeza absoluta, que essa é a série que mais me prendeu até hoje. Sinto que estou sem palavras para descrever essa leitura, mas, ao mesmo tempo, sinto que tenho muito o que falar. Thornchapel Series é daquele tipo 8 ou 80. Ou você ama ou você odeia. É uma série em que a normatividade não existe. Em nenhum aspecto da vida. O primeiro e o último livro são mais agitados, causam curiosidade. O segundo e o terceiro são mais calmos, servem para encaixar os detalhes e dese... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 15
ranking 40
ranking 53
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ranking 7
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
30/03/2021 17:06:50
editou em:
30/03/2021 17:16:53

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