Paris Is Always a Good Idea

Paris Is Always a Good Idea Jenn McKinlay


Paris Is Always a Good Idea

It's been seven years since Chelsea Martin embarked on her yearlong postcollege European adventure. Since then, she's lost her mother to cancer and watched her sister marry twice, while Chelsea's thrown herself into work, becoming one of the most talented fundraisers for the American Cancer Coalition, and with the exception of one annoyingly competent coworker, Jason Knightley, her status as most successful moneymaker is unquestioned.

When her introverted mathematician father announces he's getting remarried, Chelsea is forced to acknowledge that her life stopped after her mother died and that the last time she can remember being happy, in love, or enjoying her life was on her year abroad. Inspired to retrace her steps--to find Colin in Ireland, Jean Claude in France, and Marcelino in Italy--Chelsea hopes that one of these three men who stole her heart so many years ago can help her find it again.

From the start of her journey nothing goes as planned, but as Chelsea reconnects with her old self, she also finds love in the very last place she expected.

Aventura / Romance

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Paris Is Always a Good Idea


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Ah os romances com viagens....
on 13/7/22

Que vontade de fazer minhas malas e sair viajando assim como a Chelsea. Esse livro nos leva por muitos caminhos. Primeiro queremos matar a Chelsea por ser muito má com o pai. Depois nos apegamos a ela e rimos muuuuito das trapalhadas dela enquanto tenta se encontrar e encontrar seu riso de novo. Em seguida nos apaixonamos pelos lugares e pessoas junto com ela. Por fim entendemos o luto dela e o quanto ela amava a mãe, vemos como essa morte impactou e mudou a forma de ela ver a vi... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.4 / 17
ranking 65
ranking 29
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cadastrou em:
26/07/2021 08:24:18
editou em:
26/07/2021 08:24:58

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