Heart of the Sun Warrior

Heart of the Sun Warrior Sue Lynn Tan


Heart of the Sun Warrior (The Celestial Kingdom Duology #2)

After winning her mother’s freedom from the Celestial Emperor, Xingyin thrives in the enchanting tranquility of her home. But her fragile peace is threatened by the discovery of a strange magic on the moon, and the unsettling changes in the Celestial Kingdom as the emperor tightens his grip on power.

While Xingyin is determined to keep clear of the rising danger, the discovery of a shocking truth spurs her into a perilous confrontation.
Forced to flee her home once more, Xingyin and her companions venture to unexplored lands of the Immortal Realm, encountering legendary creatures and shrewd monarchs, beloved friends and bitter adversaries. With alliances shifting quicker than the tides, Xingyin has to overcome past grudges and enmities to forge a new path forward, seeking aid where she never imagined she would.

As an unspeakable terror sweeps across the realm, Xingyin must uncover the truth of her heart and claw her way through devastation – to rise against this evil before it destroys everything she holds dear, and the worlds she has grown to love… even if doing so demands the greatest price of all.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Heart of the Sun Warrior
Heart of the Sun Warrior


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Daughter of the Moon Goddess
O Coração da Guerreira do Sol
Tales of the Celestial Kingdom

Resenhas para Heart of the Sun Warrior (4)

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on 9/5/23

Se eu falar o que realmente achei vai pegar mal, então vou me conter. Com relação ao primeiro livro, esse ficou muito fraco. Personagem nunca sabe o que quer, ama os dois, fica reclamando que amor não é pra ela o tempo todo enquanto tem dois caras prontos pra fazer acontecer e ela recusando. Me irritei profundamente com o downgrade da personagem. Vou nem falar do resto, vou me abster.... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.4 / 22
ranking 32
ranking 32
ranking 14
ranking 18
ranking 5



cadastrou em:
06/01/2022 04:15:03
editou em:
05/05/2022 01:45:52

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