The Heartbreak Rule

The Heartbreak Rule Stephanie Archer


The Heartbreak Rule

He’s her friend’s hot ex, Satan’s apprentice, and the last guy she’d ever fall for. A slow burn standalone enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy.

Gemma’s a rising comedian with dreams of sold-out tours and Netflix specials. Nothing will get in her way—especially not the cocky asshole at the comedy club bar every night. He broke her friend’s heart and she hates him for it.

Reid’s a secret romantic who loves his dog, his old theatre, and sparring with a certain commitment-phobe comedian. When the comedy club closes without notice, he opens his theatre to the comics, including the witty, charismatic Gemma. She’ll rip his heart out, so he should keep his distance… but he can’t help but provoke her.

They need to work together without bloodshed so call a truce, but the tension builds and sparks fly. He’s off limits, so why is she fooling around with him? She’ll leave him in the dust, so why is he finding reasons to spend time with her? This hilarious romance features a grand old theatre, sharp banter, stand-up comedy and an all-night variety show.

Humor, Comédia / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Heartbreak Rule


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Resenhas para The Heartbreak Rule (7)

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Livro com uma comediante que não me fez rir.
on 4/1/24

Eu só recomendo esse livro para quem só quer passar o tempo, sair do tédio e curar a ressaca, porque de resto eu digo não e passo a vez. a maior parte do livro é chata e cansativa, os personagens tudo repetitivos e as “briguinhas” e provocações deles nada satisfatórias ou divertidas de se ler. era bem irritante ver como a gemma e o reid, com trinta anos nas costas, agirem como dois patetas e a gemma passar a maioria das suas narrações como um disco arranhado, repetindo que odiava o rei... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.2 / 45
ranking 7
ranking 44
ranking 33
ranking 13
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
29/07/2022 23:14:17
editou em:
27/06/2023 21:01:13

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