Where You Belong

Where You Belong Nicole Baker


Where You Belong (The Giannelli Series - Love in Little Italy #1)

When I agreed to interview Alexis, all I knew was that she was a recent college grad looking for some summer work.

When she walks into my office, I’m struck by her beauty. There’s no way I can have her living under my roof. She’s pure temptation.

There’s just one problem… after being picky during my interviews, I now need someone to start next week. I have no choice but to hire her.

I just need to keep my distance.

It shouldn’t be hard. Life has made me a cold, bitter man. These days, distance is all I know.

But there’s something in her effortless smile, constant compassion for those around her… and those luscious lips. I feel my resolve weaken day by day, until it vanishes.

After one night with her, I know I’m in trouble.

I finally start to open my heart up to love again.

What happens when I find myself faced with an impossible decision? My happiness… or hers.

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Where You Belong


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Tinha potencial
on 19/7/23

O livro começou bem, ambos os personagens individualmente pareciam ser super legais, a dúvida de Alexis em relação ao seu futuro é algo que podemos nos identificar, e gosto dessa proximidade com os personagens. Gabriel é lindo e um ótimo pai, seus irmãos são super engraçados. Tinha química, tinha algo surgindo, mas não sei se é porque sou filha de Mariana Zapata e acostumei com slow burn que tudo pareceu rápido demais, e logo ficou um pouquinho entediante. Gabriel agiu errado, Alexis a... leia mais


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ranking 46
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cadastrou em:
15/07/2023 02:15:24

editou em:
15/07/2023 02:16:21

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