Star Trek: Avenger

Star Trek: Avenger William Shatner...


Star Trek: Avenger

Star Trek: Odyssey, #3

Um vírus letal, inimigo de todas as formas convencionais de vida vegetal, ameaça a Federação com fome e dissolução. Com a Federação já às portas de super-população, os recursos da Frota Estelar são esticados até o limite. Mundos inteiros e até sistemas solares são colocados em quarentena, levando a estoques alimentares perigosamente baixos.Mas o capitão James T. Kirk, há muito que se pensava morto, embarca numa busca desesperada para encontrar a verdadeira fonte do vírus. |...| "Avenger" is a Star Trek novel by William Shatner (co-written with Garfield Reeves-Stevens and Judith Reeves-Stevens), depicting the events shortly after the feature film Star Trek Generations and the previous "Shatnerverse" novel 'The Return'. It is a direct sequel to the latter, and forms part of the "Shatnerverse" collection of novels, being the third novel written by Shatner for the Trek series of novels. It was published in 1997 by Pocket Books. |...| Although Kirk appeared to perish at the conclusion of Star Trek® Generations , the big national bestseller, The Return, revealed the amazing story of Kirk's resurrection. Now, William Shatner brings his distinctive blend of talents as an actor, writer, director, and producer to continue the saga of Jim Kirk's second life -- and to reunite one of the greatest teams of any future century...START TREK: AVENGER.
A lethal virogen, inimical to all conventional forms of planet life, threatens the entire Federation with starvation and dissolution. In this moment of Starfleet's greatest need, Captain James T. Kirk, long believed dead, embarks on a desperate quest to find the true source of the mysterious virogen.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, Ambassador Spock, his diplomatic efforts stalled by the spread of famine and chaos, returns to his native world of vulcan to confront a mystery of a deeply personal nature -- an investigation that soon leads him to a reunion with a long-lost friend he never expected to see again. Kirk and Spock, together again, must join forces to save a new generation from an awesome menace unleashed by a ruthless interplanetary conspiracy.

Full of high adventure and powerful drama, STAR TREK: AVENGER is an engrossing new Star Trek epic -- and a moving tale of past memories and new hope that only WIlliam Shatner could tell.

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Star Trek: Avenger


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Star Trek
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11/02/2009 22:01:29

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