Always Proper, Suddenly Scandalous

Always Proper, Suddenly Scandalous Christi Caldwell


Always Proper, Suddenly Scandalous (Scandalous Seasons #3)

Geoffrey Winters, Viscount Redbrooke was not always the hard, unrelenting lord driven by propriety. After a tragic mistake, he resolved to honor his responsibility to the Redbrooke line and live a life, free of scandal. Knowing his duty is to wed a proper, respectable English miss, he selects Lady Beatrice Dennington, daughter of the Duke of Somerset, the perfect woman for him. Until he meets Miss Abigail Stone...

To distance herself from a personal scandal, Abigail Stone flees America to visit her uncle, the Duke of Somerset. She finds herself helplessly intrigued by the hard, too-proper Geoffrey. With his strict appreciation for decorum and order, he is nothing like the man she's always dreamed of.

Abigail is everything Geoffrey does not need. She upends his carefully ordered world at every encounter. As they begin to care for one another, Abigail carefully guards the secret that resulted in her journey to England.

Only, if Geoffrey learns the truth about Abigail, he must decide which he holds most dear--his place in Society or Abigail's place in his heart.

História / Romance

Edições (1)

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Always Proper, Suddenly Scandalous


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Resenhas para Always Proper, Suddenly Scandalous (1)

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4 estrelas
on 11/10/21

Estou aqui me perguntando porque a Arqueiro ainda não o está publicando Christi? Conheci a autora através do conto do livro ?novas em fugas? e gostei tanto da história da noiva devem duque que fugiu para dar aulas de etiqueta para garotas apesar de ter amado seu marido desde a infância que quis saber como é uma história contada em todos os detalhes pela autora. Comecei por esse livro, aleatoriamente. Mais uma vez a história de um casal que se conhece desde a infância. Mas vamos ao que ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
26/03/2016 03:16:52
editou em:
02/02/2022 12:01:16

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