Two Sides

Two Sides Jettie Woodruff


Two Sides

Alternate Cover and Title of ASIN: B00MYDIA12
Previously titled The Truth About Mack

Stop! If you have read The Truth About Mack, this is the same book. New title. New cover.

My name is McKenzie Perry. Ive lived a life filled with secrets. Secrets that took me years to understand. Secrets that my bestie Gia and I kept from the world. Secrets that only I knew. I wasnt afraid of the lies, the secrets, or the hidden skeletons. Thats not what frightened me. I was afraid that one day they would come out, somebody would find out the truth. If I am the only one that knew the secrets, the lies, then they were safe, right? How does a well-rounded, talented little girl create a false sense life? It took several years for me to understand the impact of lies. Lies I told, secrets I kept, and the lives they controlled. One of the things I know to be true is, I did the things I did for a reason, even if I didnt know it at the time. They all had a reason.

Erótico / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Two Sides


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on 17/4/16

Lido 21/08/2014 Esta estoria foi uma viagem completamente insana e ao fim me deixou maluca igual a personagem. Traz a camisa de forca! Mack tinha uma vida perfeita. Ao menos era o que todos pensavam. Pura ilusao A cabeca dela era cheia de problemas. Serios mental problems, ignorados pelos pais pois se viessem a tona iriam manchar a imagem perfeita da familia. A melhor amiga? Coooorre! Uma falsa! Uma finjida e invejosa. Ninguem precisa de inimigos com uma destas. Enquanto eu lia, o... leia mais


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17/04/2016 11:04:33

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