The Handmaid

The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Atwood
Anderson M. Soares


The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale is a novel of such power that the reader will be unable to forget its images and its forecast. Set in the near future, it describes life in what was once the United States and is now called the Republic of Gilead, a monotheocracy that has reacted to social unrest and a sharply declining birthrate by reverting to, and going beyond, the repressive intolerance of the original Puritans. The regime takes the Book of Genesis absolutely at its word, with bizarre consequences for the women and men in its population.
The story is told through the eyes of Offred, one of the unfortunate Handmaids under the new social order. In condensed but eloquent prose, by turns cool-eyed, tender, despairing, passionate, and wry, she reveals to us the dark corners behind the establishment’s calm facade, as certain tendencies now in existence are carried to their logical conclusions. The Handmaid’s Tale is funny, unexpected, horrifying, and altogether convincing. It is at once scathing satire, dire warning, and a tour de force. It is Margaret Atwood at her best.

Distopia / Fantasia / Ficção / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (20)

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The Handmaid's Tale
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O livro conta a história de Offred na República de Gilead e sua única função é reproduzir. Se ela se desviar desse objetivo ela será morta ou enviada para fora da República para morrer. Porém nem essa condição de vida pode impedir o desejo de ser alguém. A narrativa é cheia de momentos tensos e imprevisíveis em contraste com momentos de reflexão e memória de um passado não tão distante. Vemos como a personagem principal (que, a princípio, não revela seu verdadeiro nome) pensa, toma de... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 1.204
ranking 59
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04/07/2017 23:16:53

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