Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery David Mack


Star Trek: Discovery

Desperate Hours

An all-original novel based upon the explosive new series on CBS All Access

Aboard the Starship Shenzhou, Lieutenant Michael Burnham, a human woman raised and educated among Vulcans, is promoted to acting first officer. But if she wants to keep the job, she must prove to Captain Philippa Georgiou that she deserves to have it.

She gets her chance when the Shenzhou must protect a Federation colony that is under attack by an ancient alien vessel that has surfaced from the deepest fathoms of the planet’s dark, uncharted sea.

As the menace from this mysterious vessel grows stronger, Starfleet declares the colony expendable in the name of halting the threat. To save thousands of innocent lives, Burnham must infiltrate the alien ship. But to do so, she needs to face the truth of her troubled past, and seek the aid of a man she has tried to avoid her entire life—until now.

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Uma boa história fora de contexto
on 14/6/23

Recentemente descobri os livros dessa coleção sobre a série Star Trek Discovery. Esse é o primeiro livro. A história é bem cativante, cheia de aventura, perigos e desafios, bem no estilo de Star Trek. Uma nave alienígena aparece subitamente em um planeta com uma colônia em desenvolvimento e começa a atacar os colonos. A Sehnzou, comandado pela capitã Philippa Giorgiou e com Michael Burhnam como primeira oficial vão em auxílio à colônia, e, por algum motivo (inexplicável), a Frota ta... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
11/11/2017 02:50:42

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