Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software Charles Petzold


Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

Computers are everywhere, most obviously in our laptops and smartphones, but also our cars, televisions, microwave ovens, alarm clocks, robot vacuum cleaners, and other smart appliances. Have you ever wondered what goes on inside these devices to make our lives easier but occasionally more infuriating?

For more than 20 years, readers have delighted in Charles Petzold's illuminating story of the secret inner life of computers, and now he has revised it for this new age of computing. Cleverly illustrated and easy to understand, this is the book that cracks the mystery. You'll discover what flashlights, black cats, seesaws, and the ride of Paul Revere can teach you about computing, and how human ingenuity and our compulsion to communicate have shaped every electronic device we use.

This new expanded edition explores more deeply the bit-by-bit and gate-by-gate construction of the heart of every smart device, the central processing unit that combines the simplest of basic operations to perform the most complex of feats. Petzold's companion website,, uses animated graphics of key circuits in the book to make computers even easier to comprehend.

In addition to substantially revised and updated content, new chapters include:

Chapter 18: Let's Build a Clock!
Chapter 21: The Arithmetic Logic Unit
Chapter 22: Registers and Busses
Chapter 23: CPU Control Signals
Chapter 24: Jumps, Loops, and Calls
Chapter 28: The World Brain
From the simple ticking of clocks to the worldwide hum of the internet, Code reveals the essence of the digital revolution.

Informática e Tecnologia

Edições (2)

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Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software


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Do Chip à Internet
on 29/4/24

O livro de Charles Petzold, "Code: A linguagem oculta do hardware e software do computador", descreve como funciona os computadores, desde do hardware até os programas que usamos no dia-a-dia, como o Word, ou Excel, e os Sistemas Operacionais, como o Windows, Apple ou Linux. Computadores são dispositivos digitais, ou seja, guardam e processam informações de forma binária, tendo os bits como os blocos mais básicos de dados e informações. Todo o hardware de um computador operam binari... leia mais


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Arthur M.
cadastrou em:
03/10/2022 15:33:22
Arthur M.
editou em:
03/10/2022 15:33:46

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