New Boy: William Shakespeare

New Boy: William Shakespeare's Othello Retold: A Novel Tracy Chevalier


New Boy: William Shakespeare's Othello Retold: A Novel (Hogarth Shakespeare Series #5)

Tracy Chevalier brings Shakespeare’s Othello—a harrowing drama of jealousy and revenge—to a 1970s era elementary school playground.

Arriving at his fifth school in as many years, diplomat’s son Osei Kokote knows he needs an ally if he is to survive his first day—so he’s lucky to hit it off with Dee, the most popular girl in school. But one student can’t stand to witness this budding relationship: Ian decides to destroy the friendship between the black boy and the golden girl. By the end of the day, the school and its key players—teachers and pupils alike—will never be the same again.

The tragedy of Othello is transposed to a 1970s suburban Washington schoolyard, where kids fall in and out of love with each other before lunchtime, and practice a casual racism picked up from their parents and teachers. Peeking over the shoulders of four 11 year olds—Osei, Dee, Ian, and his reluctant "girlfriend" Mimi—Tracy Chevalier's powerful drama of friends torn apart by jealousy, bullying, and betrayal will leave you reeling.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (2)

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New Boy: William Shakespeare
New Boy


Resenhas para New Boy: William Shakespeare's Othello Retold: A Novel (1)

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Bad idea executed in an average way
on 10/6/23

I?m not sure yet how I feel about this book. Even though the writing flowed easily, the idea of the book plot itself was terrible and executed lazily. The author inserted a lot of cultural references from the period, but it wasn?t enough to immerse the reader in the book?s scenario. However, the biggest problem was the characters. It?s unbelievable that they were only 10/11 years old, which makes it impossible for the reader to create a connection with them. Another thing that makes th... leia mais


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30/05/2019 21:06:33
Srta. Oliver
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30/05/2019 21:08:51

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