Rumo às Estrêlas

Rumo às Estrêlas Fritz Leiber

PDF - Rumo às Estrêlas

[Coletânea] Rumo às Estrêlas / Ships to the Stars (1964) - Ace Books, Inc.) '-' This volume assembled six of Leiber's classic works: "Dr. Kometevsky's Day," "The Big Trek," "The Enchanted Forest," "Deadly Moon," "The Snowbank Orbit," and "The Ship Sails at Midnight."

|...| "Fritz Leiber is one of the great imaginative talents writing fiction today. Ships to the Stars is a collection of six of the stories that have earned him an impressive and well-deserved reputation. It is a book in which you will discover: Elven, the last of the Wild Ones, who carried his entire race in a locket; all the creatures and races from everywhen, parading silently across an infinite desert; and Helen, the girl who was too perfect to be human... and wasn't.

You will discover this, and much, much more in Ships to the Stars - all of it fascinating, all of it frighteningly and wonderfully real".

Rumo às Estrêlas

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