Bleeding Rose (English Edition)

Bleeding Rose (English Edition) Kyla Shinder

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Duda 16/11/2024

Could be five
I am giving it 4 stars because I don't know if I'm the target audience off the book, but it's good.
It's just really good the story and has so much potential for the second book, it has power, gods, dragons, shape-shifting, but while reeding I had one thing that prevented me from enjoying it more, the characters are always with glossy eyes, almost crying, ou one single tear goes down.
I understand that the feelings are really important in the book, and she is caring for the students, but it happens with everyone and got a little bit annoying by the end, almost didn't finished and lost a really cool part off the book because off it.
I hope it happens a little bit less in the next one and goes a little more into the world history, because I wanna know about the Gods, the why, and growing as a badass female Rose is in the inside, and as much I appreciate showing that it's OK to show emotions, crying all the time is not cool and gets repetitive.

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