Lizzie Blake

Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake Mazey Eddings


Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake (A Brush with Love #2)

Lizzie has made endless mistakes. Kitchen fires, pyramid schemes, bangs (of the hair and human variety), you name it, she’s done it… and made a mess of it too. One mistake she’s never made is letting anyone get closer to her than a single hook-up. But after losing yet another bakery job due to her uncontrolled ADHD, she breaks her cardinal rule and has a two-night-stand that changes everything.

Once burned, twice shy, Rake has given up on relationships. And feelings. And any form of intimacy for that matter. Yet something about charming, chaotic Lizzie has him lowering his guard. For two nights, that is. Then it’s back home to Australia and far away from the pesky feelings Lizzie pulls from him. But when Lizzie tells him she’s got an unexpected bun in the oven, he’ll do whatever it takes to be a part of his child’s life… except be emotionally vulnerable, obviously. He’s never going to make that mistake again.

Through a series of mishaps, totally “platonic” single bed sharing, and an underground erotic baking scheme, Lizzie and Rake learn that even the biggest mistakes can have the most beautiful consequences.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Lizzie Blake


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Quem diria que o primeiro cinco estrelas favorito do ano seria um plot de gravidez.

Lizzie é um neném maravilhoso que precisa ser protegido desse mundo. Rake um cristal que, apesar de não ser muito bom nas palavras, suas atitudes falam muito mais. Adorei o desenvolvimento deles, tanto como casal como de forma individual. Me diverti horrores com Lizzie, sua personalidade e seu modo de viver e também amei como Rake desde o início compreendeu e aceitou Lizzie do seu jeitinho.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 33
ranking 58
ranking 9
ranking 21
ranking 9
ranking 3



cadastrou em:
01/03/2022 14:09:32
editou em:
14/09/2022 21:50:08

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