Not How I Saw That Going

Not How I Saw That Going Jenessa Fayeth


Not How I Saw That Going (Never Say Never #1)

A Romantic Comedy


Eating carbs and forgetting to fold the laundry aren’t my only talents. I'm also proficient at speaking without thinking. Which is how I ended up confessing my love to a stranger at the grocery store.

The same stranger who also happens to be a firefighter—a very grumpy one—for the exact fire station I owe a debt to.

I didn’t mean to embarrass the man, and I certainly didn’t mean to make him famous. That was a happy coincidence.

He could use some humor in his life.

But when I decided to be my own queen and take back my life, I didn’t expect fake dating the grump to be a part of it.

Fake boyfriends aren’t supposed to come with real feelings.

Moving on is harder than I thought.


Rescuing a little boy at the grocery store was just a normal day for me. Except usually I’m in gear and getting paid to do so.

Noticing his mom was not part of the norm.

I saw stuff in the war no one wants to see. The kind of stuff you don’t bring up on a first date. Which is why I haven’t. Dated, I mean.

I’ve made it clear that I want to be left alone, but it doesn’t stop my mom from setting me up with women I have no interest in.

I’m certainly not interested in Lyndi. She’s a single mom, whose carelessness made me famous.

Okay, so I can’t blame that all on her—as much as I’d like to.

But she’s there when I need her, and apparently, I need a fake girlfriend.

My best friend insists my heart died in the war, then why does it beat so fast when Lyndi is around?


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Not How I Saw That Going


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Not How I Saw That Going
on 6/8/23

Que fofura, a escrita da autora é muito boa, os personagens são cativantes, a trama envolvente e as referências brilhantes. A Lyndi é maravilhosa, que mulher guerreira, esse é o primeiro livro que eu leio que mostra o outro lado da maternidade, nem tudo são flores, e não existe crianças perfeitas assim como não existe mães perfeitas, então foi muito legal a autora ter abordado isso. O Crew é uma das crianças mais apocalípticas que já li, mas muito fofo. O Ward é apaixonante, sério, ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
26/02/2023 17:20:22
editou em:
21/05/2023 07:34:59

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