O olho do tigre

O olho do tigre Wilbur Smith


O olho do tigre

The Eye of the Tiger

O barco de Harry era de aluguel, e lhe pagavam bem por isso.
Ele conseguia esgueirar-se com igual facilidade por entre os recifes de coral e as malhas da lei. Mas dois homens morreram. Morte violenta. E Harry compreendeu que estava novamente envolvido com os chefões do crime. . .
Eram altos interesses em jogo, E este era incerto. Em algum ponto das profundezas do mar, um tesouro em diamantes e ouro esperava, o Tigre! Muitos o procuravam. Somente um tinha direito a ele. Falhar significava a morte. . .

Beneath the sea's glittering calm, where the marlin swam with the shark, fish were not the only game.Harry's boat was for hire, and they paid him well. He could slip through coral reefs and the law with the same ease.But two men died. Badly. And he knew he was playing with the big boys again.The stakes were high, the game uncertain. Somewhere in the depths, a treasure of gold and diamonds waited. The tiger.

[El ojo del tigre de Wilbur Smith] Harry Fletcher es un héroe a lo Humphrey Bogart, el tipo que muchos querían ser. Para él, la vida en la isla de St. Mary es muy agradable. Tiene un espléndido yate y una larga lista de clientes ansiosos por alquilarlo durante la temporada de pesca deportiva. Ha construido su casa entre las palmeras junto a una blanca playa de coral, y tiene amigos con quien compartir su paraíso. Pero la tranquilidad se rompe con la aparición de ciertos individuos decididos a encontrar un tesoro escondido en las profundidades del mar. Bellas mujeres, tempestades, explosiones, luchas con tiburones conforman una historia de acción y suspenso brillantemente escrita!

[The Eye of the Tiger by Wilbur Smith] For ages, an unimaginable treasure has rested on the bottom of the Indian Ocean, hidden by swift blue currents, guarded by deadly coral reefs, and even deadlier school of man-eating great white sharks. Harry Fletcher, a former soldier turned fisherman, is now being pulled into a murderous mystery by men willing to kill and a beautiful woman willing to lie for what rests far beneath the sea. Now, Harry has no choice but to enter full bore into an international battle to raise an extraordinary object from the deep. Because possessing this treasure isn't just about getting rich--it's about staying alive...

Aventura / Crime / Crônicas / Drama / Ficção / Geografia / História / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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O olho do tigre


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cadastrou em:
02/07/2009 18:24:24
editou em:
14/08/2024 05:06:20

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