
Otherworldly F.T. Lukens



A skeptic and a supernatural being make a crossroads deal to achieve their own ends only to get more than they bargained for in this lively young adult romantic adventure from the New York Times bestselling author of Spell Bound and So This Is Ever After.
Seventeen-year-old Ellery is a non-believer in a region where people swear the supernatural is real. Sure, they've been stuck in a five-year winter, but there's got to be a scientific explanation. If goddesses were real, they wouldn't abandon their charges like this, leaving farmers like Ellery's family to scrape by.

Knox is a familiar from the Other World, a magical assistant sent to help humans who have made crossroads bargains. But it's been years since he heard from his queen, and Knox is getting nervous about what he might find once he returns home. When the crossroads demons come to collect Knox, he panics and runs. A chance encounter down an alley finds Ellery coming to Knox's rescue, successfully fending off his would-be abductors.

Ellery can't quite believe what they've seen. And they definitely don't believe the nonsense this unnervingly attractive guy spews about his paranormal origins. But Knox needs to make a deal with a human who can tether him to this realm, and Ellery needs to figure out how to stop this winter to help their family. Once their bargain is struck, there's no backing out, and the growing connection between the two might just change everything.

Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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In Deeper Waters
So This Is Ever After

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Aqueceu meu coração
on 10/7/24

O livro é muito bom, uma vibe Jake Frost gay e muita magia. Os personagens são bem desenvolvidos e até os secundários se sobressaem, o cenário é bem legal e os protagonistas tem química e são carismáticos(além de lindos). Recomendo pra quem quer uma coisa bem leve e fluida, além de fofinha demais. Tudo que o Ellery precisava era um chamego pra esse inverno.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 6
ranking 33
ranking 67
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Stefie Ferreira
cadastrou em:
30/12/2023 22:26:32
Stefie Ferreira
editou em:
30/12/2023 22:26:56

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