Out of Our Minds

Out of Our Minds Ken Robinson


Out of Our Minds

Learning to be Creative


"I shall add Ken Robinson's absorbing account of creativity to my personal list of gems. I was sorry to reach the end of the text, as it had maintained its momentum throughout. The reading may finish, but the thinking goes on, just as you would expect from a book on this intriguing subject." (Times Educational Supplement, 11th May 2001)

"This is a thoughtful book .... A truly mind-opening analysis of why we don't get the best of people in a time of punishing change." (The Director, June 2001)

"This well-written book focuses on the widening gulf between academic institution teachings and the feelings, emotions and imagination that drive us as humans." (Arts Professional, 4th June 2001)

"I recommend that you read the book, take part in the debate and become part of the new paradigm" (People Management, 12th July 2001)

"this book will stimulate and challenge" (Professional Manager, September 2001)

"...a rattling, informal read, sparkling with ideas, jokes, anecdotes and ideas.." (Music Teacher, December 2001)

Product Description

"This really is a remarkable book. It does for human resources what Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring did for the environment. It makes you wonder why we insist on sustaining an education system that is narrow, partial, entirely inappropriate for the 21st century and deeply destructive of human potential when human beings have so much latent creative ability to offer. A brilliant analysis." Wally Olins, Founder, Wolff-Olins "Competitive advantage does not come from the Internet. It comes from leveraging creativity . All corporate leaders should read this book." Professor Richard Scase, author, Britain in 2010 "I thoroughly recommend this excellent book. Developing our latent creative ability is vital for personal and professional success. Ken Robinson gives us the signposts we need to achieve this." Sir John Harvey Jones "If you would like to start to unlock the inherent creativity that exists in every human being (including you), then start (you have to) by reading this book!" Simon Woodroffe, Founder, Yo Sushi, and former Entrepreneur of the Year "Ken Robinson’s is an original and creative mind. I can think of no better spokesperson on creativity. His views are as much directed to learning institutions as they are to industry. Out of Our Minds is a genuine challenge to complacency." Ruth Spellman, Chief Executive of Investors in People, UK "Sometimes a writer has an uncanny knack of sharply focusing something which up until then you had not seen in all its simplicity and brilliance. This book does that but at the next moment it makes connections never before imagined…Even the most obstinately prosaic and safe thinkers will be tempted out of their box by Ken Robinson’s ideas, theories and speculations. What’s more, he writes as he speaks, in a way that, magnetically and compulsively, is simply irresistible" Professor Tim Brighouse, Director of Education, Birmingham

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Out of Our Minds



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