Prince of Fools

Prince of Fools Mark Lawrence


Prince of Fools

The Red Queen's War, Book 1

The Red Queen is old but the kings of the Broken Empire dread her like no other. For all her reign, she has fought the long war, contested in secret, against the powers that stand behind nations, for higher stakes than land or gold. Her greatest weapon is The Silent Sisterunseen by most and unspoken of by all.

The Red Queen's grandson, Prince Jalan Kendethdrinker, gambler, seducer of womenis one who can see The Silent Sister. Tenth in line for the throne and content with his role as a minor royal, he pretends that the hideous crone is not there. But war is coming. Witnesses claim an undead army is on the march, and the Red Queen has called on her family to defend the realm. Jal thinks it's all a rumornothing that will affect himbut he is wrong.

After escaping a death trap set by the Silent Sister, Jal finds his fate magically intertwined with a fierce Norse warrior. As the two undertake a journey across the Empire to undo the spell, encountering grave dangers, willing women, and an upstart prince named Jorg Ancrath along the way, Jalan gradually catches a glimmer of the truth: he and the Norseman are but pieces in a game, part of a series of moves in the long warand the Red Queen controls the board.

Fantasia / Ficção

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Game of thrones versão sitcom
on 26/12/22

Não sei se posso criticar muito, não li ainda a trilogia dos espinhos, então cai de paraquedas nesse mundo. Mas, a impressão que me dá é a de um autor tentando sugar ao máximo o sucesso gerado pela saga anterior. A história desse livro é completamente superficial, o ÚNICO ponto forte do livro seria o desenvolvimento das personagens, mas esse é completamente jogado no lixo pelo ?final? que o autor resolveu dar a obra. No geral, é uma leitura engraçada, o autor escreve muito bem, mas a t... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 11
ranking 36
ranking 36
ranking 18
ranking 9
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
06/12/2013 16:48:25
editou em:
18/04/2016 18:31:07

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