Rewrite Our Story

Rewrite Our Story Kat Singleton


Rewrite Our Story (Sutten Mountain #1)

A Small Town Best Friend's Brother Second Chance Romance

Cade Jennings was always there for me when I needed him—until he wasn’t.

I’d spent my entire life loving my best friend’s older brother. Every single one of my birthday wishes was spent hoping Cade would finally notice me.

And then one day, he did.

But not all love stories have happy endings.

It's been years since I left the small town of Sutten Mountain devastated and heartbroken. I’d used the pain to fuel a bestselling novel that solidified I’d never have to return.

Until tragedy struck, forcing me to face the man who shattered my heart.

I thought I’d be strong enough to see him again. I didn’t expect the angry, broken man staring back at me.

But the more time we spend around each other, the more I see glimpses of the man I fell in love with. His touch still owns me. His kiss still brands me. And even after all this time, the feelings I have for him still consume me.

Cade and I are unfinished business, and this time, he’s not letting me leave until we rewrite our story.

From the author of Black Ties and White Lies comes an all new series of complete standalones set in Sutten Mountain. Rewrite Our Story, the first book in the series, is a steamy, second chance, best friend's brother romance.

Jovem adulto / Romance

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Rewrite Our Story


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Rewrite Our Story
on 1/2/24

Comecei a leitura achando que iria amar e foi um balde de água afria. A história é interessante e os problemas dos personagens é aceitável, porém, o início e alguns acontecimentos me incomodaram bastante. O excesso de hot é outro ponto negativo, a autora se superou. Mas, no geral é um bom livro e o romance no final até que compensa o início conturbado.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 42
ranking 21
ranking 43
ranking 26
ranking 7
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
20/02/2023 10:09:04
editou em:
11/05/2023 20:04:46

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