Someone to Watch Over Me

Someone to Watch Over Me Judith McNaught


Someone to Watch Over Me (The Paradise series Book #4)

Leigh Kendall revelled in her Broadway acting career, and her marriage to Logan Manning, scion of an old New York Family. When her husband finds an old country cabin, he decides to build their dream house and surprise Leigh with her first view of the mountain property. Following a Sunday night performance, Leigh heads north to join him, but is run off the road fighting the elements of a blinding blizzard. When she awakes in the local hospital, seriously injured, she asks for her husband. The police arrive to inform her that he has mysteriously disappeared, and Leigh, although obviously distraught, becomes the focus of their suspicions.
Leigh plunges into a desperate search to find him...and into a menacing web of secrets, deception, and danger. The more she uncovers about her husband and his business affairs, the less she realizes she knew about Logan Manning. Now, with no one to help her, she is heading deeper and deeper into unknown territory...where friends and enemies are impossible to distinguish, and where the truth becomes the most terrifying weapon of all.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Someone to Watch Over Me


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on 13/11/22

Este não é um grande romance, tampouco um grande mistério com um final mirabolante, é um livro leve que se encontra no meio da linha entre os dois gêneros mas nem por isso deixa de ser impactante tornando-se uma leitura espetacular. Parte disso deve-se ao inquestionável talento da autora para criar personagens únicos e desenvoltos, fora aos cenários tão bem elaborados que o leitor se sente dentro da história. Judith McNaugth tem um dom nato para a escrita e isso pode ser comprovado em ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 165
ranking 45
ranking 35
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Lady Dea
cadastrou em:
08/09/2009 10:09:23
Drikas Fernandes
editou em:
05/04/2019 15:06:35

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