Tempting Devil

Tempting Devil Veronica Eden


Tempting Devil (Sinners and Saints #2)

Dark New Adult High School Bully Romance

I sold my soul to the devil.

Hard times prove who’s a survivor and who’s not. Me? I’m a survivor.

The plan was perfect: steal one of his cars for a payout to set us up for life. All while getting back at him for tormenting me from the moment I first stepped foot in stuck up Silver Lake High School.

But he caught me red-handed. What’s worse, a jail sentence or becoming the devil’s favorite toy?

My devious monster made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Now I’m selling everything to him. Even my soul.

The secret to being carefree is love nothing.

The puppets are fooled into believing my game of pretend. But the way she looks at me has always pierced beneath my skin. Like she knows. She’s a gutter rat—how could she possibly understand?

I vowed to break her the first time. When I catch her stealing my car, it’s clear she hasn’t learned her lesson. She won’t escape my wrath again.

Ready to play a game, little thief? The rules are simple: my way is law.

Warning: Tempting Devil is a dark new adult high school bully romance intended for mature readers. This book is part of a series but can be enjoyed as a standalone. The Sinners and Saints series boys are all devilish antiheroes brought to their knees by a spitfire heroine, so if you love enemies-to-lovers and hate-to-love type stories, you’re in the right place. This mature new adult romance contains dubious situations, bullying, blackmail, power imbalance, crude language, and intense sexual/violent content that some readers might find triggering or offensive. Please proceed with caution.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Tempting Devil


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DNF em 33%
on 17/11/20

Faz umas 2 semanas que to tentando ler e não consigo progredir porque odeio demais o Devlin e a Blair. Devlin é um verme e nem o plot de abandono afetivo dele me comove. Blair é convenientemente burra e isso me irritou demais. Eu devo estar muito velha pra bully romance porque a coleira de cachorro foi a gota d'água pra mim e não tenho mais vontade de continuar lendo depois disso. Boa sorte pra quem for ler, eu to saindo fora. ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
17/05/2020 20:30:38
Jéssica Freire
editou em:
26/08/2021 15:57:38

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